
Monday, February 28, 2011

February Photo Recap

Here is my photo recap for the month of February (check out last month's here). I didn't do that great of a job remembering to take more photos. My goal for March is to photograph different subjects (I am getting in the habit of only taking photos of food) and take more photos of people.

You may have noticed I've done a little reorganizing on my blog. I've added some more pages: My Daily Reads have moved to its own page as well as my Link Badges. I've also created some feature buttons that take you directly to my regular features. A complete redesign will be finished tomorrow. I'll also be updating my Etsy shop! I have some brand new card designs I can't wait to show you! See you tomorrow!


  1. I like the idea of monthly photo recap posts. Reminds me of my monthly documentary videos. Someday I'll get back to it.

    Love your feature buttons!


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