
Monday, March 28, 2011

April Ad Trade?

I meant to post about this last week... My blog is growing slowly and I'm so happy to have had so many new visitors over the last month. I've loved receiving all of your comments! 

I wondered if anyone would be interested in doing a little ad trade for the month of April? If you are a fellow free spirit and share the same love for handmade, fashion, vintage, art, crafts, etc- then lets support each other! If you're interested, leave me a comment or email me at:

Ad sizes should be 160px wide. Email me your button + link. You can find my buttons on my Badges page. Just copy and past the link provided.

Need help creating an ad? No problem! I happen to be a graphic designer too and would love to help! Ad designs are $10 (or I also love to trade). You can use your ad button on your own blog or wherever else you'd like to show it off. Email me for more details!


  1. Oh, I'd love to trade with you! I read your blog often through my reader and I find it really cute!
    I'll send you my blog button soon! :-)

  2. Hi there! Do you mind how successful the blog you trade with is? I have just started blogging since december 2010, I get lots of views but just wondered whether you had a particular status you would like the blog to be?
    (if that made any sense!)

  3. I'd love to trade ads with you! :) Your blog is one of my favorites. I'm currently working on moving my blog over to Blogger (from wordpress) so once that's set up I'll add your badge to my page. I'll email you mine shortly.

    -Valerie C.

  4. La- I don't have any status/success requirements for trading ads. I only ask that our blogs share the same interests (art, crafts, vintage, inspiration, etc.)


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