
Monday, March 7, 2011

I ♥ Color: Green

Hello! And happy Monday! Sorry for the late post today. James and I went to the Portland Lindy Exchange late night dance last night and didn't make it home until 3am! It was lots of fun, but has given my Monday a bit of a slow start.

Anyhoo, with St. Patrick's Day coming up I thought I'd do another color-theme post featuring one of my favorite colors, green! (Check out my last I ♥ Color post here)

The word green is closely related to the Old English verb growan, "to grow" and its connection to nature is my favorite aspect about this color. Green reminds me of mother nature, of lush paradise, life and growth. Green is also the most relaxing, tranquilizing color in the spectrum because unlike other hues, green focuses directly on the retina without being refracted, making it easy on the eyes. It's also thought to have great healing powers and the ability to soothe and refresh. (source) (source)


  1. Beautiful images! Love the green!!Happy Monday! xxx

  2. I'd looove to have that bathing suit & that last green dress from mod cloth.

    Makes me fall in love with green :)

  3. What a lovely site...first time visitor!
    am following...check my site if you wish:

  4. absolutely gorgeous!! I love every image.


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