
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Young At Heart: Rainbow Brite

Time for another Young At Heart feature! Young At Heart is one of my monthly features where I share a favorite toy from my childhood. (My mom and grandma save everything! So I still have all of my old toy collections!) Check out my last Young At Heart post here.

This month I'm featuring my Rainbow Brite doll! I got her when I was around 7 or 8 years old. I can't believe my mom saved the box. Rainbow Brite is a pretty amazing character and I remember loving her when I was young.

The Rainbow Brite Story: In a faraway place, right at the end of the rainbow, there is a magical kingdom where all the colors of the earth are created. The kingdom is called Rainbow Land, and living in this wonderful place is a lovable, creative little girl named Rainbow Brite. She uses the colors of the rainbow to make our world brighter and our hearts lighter.

I wish I had her horse, Starlight. Horse with rainbow hair?! Yes please...


  1. She's in such good shape!!
    So sweet :)

  2. ah! starlight! i always wanted starlight. what a cutie :)

  3. I had the same one!!! Just remembered! Thanks so much for reminding me and bringing back those memories!

  4. So cute! And GREAT photos!


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