Lets just say, I'm busy! I've found that in order for me to actually be able to keep up with myself, I have to plan my time and work efficiently. Thus I have turned into a compulsive list-maker. Every day I create a to-do list for myself. I set my own deadlines and do my best to stick to them!

One of of the items I constantly kept with me in 2010 was my Jill Bliss planner. I loved this planner because it was organized perfectly for my daily list-making. With the new year, I was excited to find a brand new planner for 2011! And I found it at the Crafty Wonderland Super Colossal Sale. I chose the new Little Otsu Annual Weekly Planner. I love this planner because like the Jill Bliss planner, its the perfect size to carry in my purse. It includes a monthly calender as well as a weekly one and comes with plenty of extra room for weekly lists and note-making.

Because the cover wasn't that decorative, I decided to cover it with some vintage wallpaper samples I bought a while ago. May I now introduce my new planner!

Hope you all have a great week! I'll be back tomorrow with a new Art Love feature. See you then! ♥
I kept thinking about your planner after you left, and almost bought myself one– but then decided to design one for myself (up no AIM soon!)
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