Late last night, when I should have been in bed, but was instead sitting at my computer skimming through my Reader, I found the work of Sister Corita. Sister Corita Kent was an artist, nun (until 1968), activist and teacher. And she was one of the most politically radical, socially progressive printmakers of the 20th century. Her work is very beautiful and captivating. Read more about her life and work here.
Um.. Rachel you're going to be a little jealous. We own an original Sister Corita screen print! We found it at an Estate sale in Spokane last year for $3 bucks, along with an entire box and prints of her work! It's framed and hanging in our home now. Here's a link:
Rocking blog! I'm so happy I found you.
Um.. Rachel you're going to be a little jealous. We own an original Sister Corita screen print! We found it at an Estate sale in Spokane last year for $3 bucks, along with an entire box and prints of her work! It's framed and hanging in our home now. Here's a link:
Shut up! Jacqui!
wow, beautiful work by Sister Corita! thanks for sharing.
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