Utopian Boheme Psychedelic Maxi Dress by Evie Green Pixie

Road Trip Stop #2 Leather Bound Journal by BD Leather Designs

Granny Block Vintage Afghan by AM Radio

Little Indie Girl One-of-a-Kind Felt Brooch by Handmade Romance

Lady of the Lake Flying Earth Headband by LA Native

Little Mushroom Vase by Rachel Loves Peace

Market Weave Organic Zipper Pouch by Slide Sideways

Yellow and Blue Parrot Feather Earings by Tetrik
so sweeet. thank you!! and what a great selection of finds from etsy! hope you enjoy your day x
thanks for including my little mushroom flower vase in this post of etsy lovelys. my sister got me a feather earing from teriks shop for my bday. i love it :)
peace & love!!
p.s. you are awesome.
I like that granny afghan a lot. I think I want to make one.
those are all awesome finds, but I really love that granny blanket!
I am shocked to admit I have been thinking about that dress up top all day long.
I'm actually wearing something similar... but... well... drab brown.
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