(images from Seventeen Magazine 1998-2000)
I still dream of what my perfect bedroom would look like. I've always wanted a canopy bed. At age 25, my ultimate dream bed would look like this:

Here are some other amazing bedrooms. ♥




(violet voice)
(my folk lover)

(auburn & ivory)


(sun in scorpio)

(sun in scorpio)

(bohemian shoebox)

(bohemian shoebox)
What does your dream bedroom look like??
Hah! That's great. Remember when we painted my room blue, sponge-painted the ceiling, and we all left hand prints? I think it's still like that in that room right now - never did get it looking like I wanted, but it was still fun to play.
It's kinda funny how tastes change. Matt and I really wanna get into decorating our bedroom upstairs and making every room awesome to hang in, but no time. No money. I'm still not sure how I'd want it. Maybe white and plush? Now you got me thinkin'...
...and ready for bed. Goodnight!
Whoa, I like the day of the dead bed.
This is a really incredible post! I'm always fantasizing about redoing my bedroom to be my ultimate oasis!
Just happened upon your blog and I love it! Can't wait to read more!
Thanks for the lovely comments!
Linds- Painting your room was so fun! I can't wait for the day we both have our own actual houses that we can paint the walls. Seems trickier with apartments :)
Wow - what amazing bedrooms. I love all the photos. I want to redecorate :)
Wow - what a bunch of beautiful rooms! I especially like the quilt-covered boat from Anthropologie.
I love the first one with the lockers! You'd need a BIG room, for though. The hippie one is cool too. Simple, but cool.
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