I found this awesomely ugly lamp. I love the hand painted glitter details and of course the shade. It goes perfect in my basement bedroom.

Campfire beads and badges

I now have a little mushroom family! I found some little salt and pepper shakers to add to my collection!

And this strange astrological boardgame.

I love how you called the lamp "awesomely ugly"! :)
Oh lamp... Hope the slugs don't crawl on it. :)
Lol Linds. Me too! I'm tried to train Dinah (my cat) to attack them, but she doesn't like the taste of their slime :-P ew....
Hopefully the slugs wont be tempted into my basement this year. Ugh
You are so weird. It's so ugly. PS Barbara has the whole set of those mushroom thingies.
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